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Codex Biblioteca online Intraweb Unicum Moodle


Minimum Maximum
Courses taken in official non-university higher educational 6 credits 36 credits
Completed courses in institution’s private diplomas 6 credits 9 credits
Courses taken via accreditation of work-related and professional experience 6 credits 9 credits


Requests for Credit Recognition and Validation

The following fees must be paid: € 58.65


IBAN: ES83 2100 3276 7122 0002 5962

Making a request for a credit recognition and/or validation study.

Applicable Regulations

The applicable regulations in this section are Royal Decree 1614/2009, of 26 October, which establishes the organization of higher artistic education, regulated by Organic Law 2/2006, on Education of 3 May. Also Royal Decree 21/2015, of 23 January, which modifies the previous decree. By Royal Decree 1618/2011, of 14 November, on the recognition of studies in the field of Higher Education (BOE, nº. 302 – 16/12/2011), and by Resolution ENS/2869/2011, of 21 November, the recognition and transfer of credits, the validation of learning, the recognition of individualized credits and other specific procedures in the field of higher artistic education (Catalan Govt. State Gazette, nº. 6024 – 14/12/2011).

It must be noted that these regulations also include master’s degrees.

Credit recognition

Based on the previously-mentioned regulation, we understand recognition as meaning the acceptance by an educational administration of the credits that, having been obtained in official education, in higher artistic education centres or in another centre of the EHEA, are calculated in order to facilitate obtaining an official degree.

Basic Premises:

– The recognized studies may not exceed 60% of the total credits of the study plan of the degree that is intended to be taken (in this case 36 credits).

– With respect to those subjects subject to credit recognition, the grade obtained at the centre of origin will be taken into account. The recognition of credits in which there is no score provided will not be taken into account for weighting purposes.

– In all events, those credits corresponding to the final master’s degree project of the studies being taken cannot be recognized.

General Criteria:

  1. The recipients will be students enrolled in the Master’s Degree in the Preventive Conservation of Movable and Immovable Cultural Heritage at the ESCRBCC.
  2. Curricular external internships undertaken at the centre of origin may be subject to recognition, either in whole or in part.

Specific Criteria:

  1. Credits will be recognized, taking into account the suitability between the skills and content of the subjects taken and those provided for in the study plan in the course taken by the student. It is considered that at least 80% of the contents must correspond to the areas of the study plan followed by the student.
  2. The duration of the recognized credits must be at least 80% of the duration of the credits to be recognized.
  3. The two previous conditions must be met before recognition is provided.


  1. The student will request a study to validate their credits at the ESCRBCC Pedagogical Commission. This request must be made formally by submitting the relevant form to the ESCRBCC Secretariat and by providing the necessary documentation (degree, study certificate, etc.)
  2. The Master’s Coordinator, together with the ESCRBCC Pedagogical Commission will carry out the study and will prepare a report based on the specific criteria.
  3. The student, once enrolled, will request validation.
  4. The School Management proceeds with final resolution, using the report prepared by the Master’s Coordinator and the Pedagogical Commission.

Credit Validation

According to the regulations cited above, validation is understood as the passing of credits that correspond to the skills acquired by students through other means, such as artistic or professional experience, work experience or social experience, or by means of other studies that are not included in the credit recognition and transfer system.

Basic Premises:

– Validated studies may not exceed 15% of the credits of the study plan of the degree that is intended to be taken (in this case 9 credits).

– Scores are not provided for validated credits, and as such they will not be calculated in the evaluation of the student’s record. These credits will be counted for the purposes of obtaining the official degree.

– In all events, those credits corresponding to the final master’s degree project of the studies being taken cannot be validated.

General Criteria:

  1. The recipients will be students enrolled in the Master’s Degree in the Preventive Conservation of Movable and Immovable Cultural Heritage at the ESCRBCC.
  2. Specific Criteria for the Validation of Non-official Studies:
  1. The credits will be validated, taking into account the suitability between the skills and contents of the studies completed and those provided for in the study plan being taken. It is considered that at least 80% of the contents must correspond to the same areas of the study plan followed by the student.
  2. The duration of the validated credits must be at least 80% of the duration of the credits to be validated.
  3. The two previous conditions must be met in order for validation to be awarded.

Specific Criteria for the Validation of Artistic, Professional, Work-related or Social Experience:

  1. The credits will be validated, taking into account the suitability between the skills and contents of the studies completed and those provided for in the study plan being taken. It is considered that at least 80% of the contents must correspond to the same areas of the study plan followed by the student.
  2. The duration of the validated credits must be at least 80% of the duration of the credits to be validated.
  3. It is necessary that the two previous conditions are met to grant validation.


  1. The student will request a study to validate their credits at the ESCRBCC Pedagogical Commission. This request must be made formally by submitting the relevant form to the ESCRBCC Secretariat and by providing the necessary documentation:
  2. The completed degree or certificate of studies, in the case of experience acquired in studies.
  3. A certificate or accreditation stating the types of activities carried out and their duration, in the case of artistic, professional, work or social experience.
  4. The Master’s Coordinator, together with the ESCRBCC Pedagogical Commission will carry out the study and will prepare a report based on the specific criteria.
  5. The student, once enrolled, will request validation.
  6. The School Management will send the report prepared by the Master’s Coordinator and the Pedagogical Commission to the General Directorate of Vocational Training and Special System Education, which wil pass the final resolution.

Credit Transfer

According to the regulations cited at the beginning of this section, the transfer of credits implies that, in the official academic documents that accredit those studies undertaken by each student, all those credits that were obtained in previously-taken official courses are included. This includes those from both higher centres of artistic education and those from another centre of the European Higher Education Area that have not led to the award of an official degree.

All credits obtained by the student in official studies completed at any university and/or higher education centre, both those transferred and those recognised and passed by obtaining the corresponding degree, will be included in their academic record and will be detailed in the European Diploma Supplement.

Studies Abroad

With respect to studies undertaken abroad, all pertinent documentation must be legalised and translated into Catalan or Spanish by a sworn translator.

If the grade provided is different from the 0-10 numerical scale, the corresponding numerical criteria used in the educational institution of origin must be indicated.

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