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Codex Biblioteca online Intraweb Unicum Moodle

In this speciality, work is carried out on objects found in archaeological excavations, both on land and underwater.

Work is mainly carried out on inorganic materials -ceramics, glass, metal, stone, stucco and mosaics- as well as organic -bones and wood.

The restored objects are documented using the results of the analyses obtained as well as the most appropriate suggestions for their long-term preservation.

In addition students learn how to create reproductions using different materials (clay, plaster of paris, resins) and supports (methacrylate, polyurethane foam …) to facilitate transport, storage and exhibition.

3rd year Workshop

The 3rd year workshop deals mainly with metals, glass and organic materials found in archaeological sites.

Treatments are applied according to the needs and state of preservation of each object and involve mechanical and wet cleaning, drying procedures, use of inhibitors, consolidation, protective coatings, adhesives, restoration, supports and packaging.

The workshop is equipped with the machinery and infrastructure necessary to properly carry out the procedures:

  • Pneumatic tools
  • Precision scales
  • Ultrasound tank
  • Drier with vacuum pump
  • Electric drying oven
  • Magnifiers with lights
  • Bain-marie equipment
  • Gas extractor hood
  • Binocular magnifiers
  • Magnetic shaker
  • Fridge
  • Hardware (computer, digital camera, card reader, CD recorder)

4th year Workshop

The 4th year workshop deals mainly with the restoration of ceramic materials – tiled panels, stone pieces and Roman mosaics.

The procedures centre on the processes of cleaning, gluing and restoring the supports and in particular those of the tiles and Roman mosaics. During the procedure the objects will be moved to a new support.

The workshop has the equipment necessary for the study and treatment of these supports:

  • Archaeological drawing tools (profiler, Vernier calliper…)
  • Pneumatic tools
  • Magnifiers with lights
  • Microescarpra
  • Drying oven
  • Ceramic wheel
  • Hardware (computer, digital camera, card reader, CD recorder)
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