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Course on aqueous systems in the cleaning of pictorial coverings: materials, methodology and protocol

ESCRBCC, 25-28 June 2024

For more information and the registration form (+info.pdf)

Introductory Course to Stained-glass Technique

ESCRBCC, 10-14 June 2024

For more information and the registration form (+info.pdf)

Occupational Risk Prevention Course in Conservation and Restoration (professional and height-related risks)

ESCRBCC, 29-31th January & 1-2 February 2024

For more information and the registration form (see +info.pdf)


Aqueous Methodology Applied to Archaeological Material

ESCRBCC, 7-16th February 2023

For more information and the registration form (see + info.pdf)


Occupational Risk Prevention Course in Conservation and Restoration (professional and height-related risks)

ESCRBCC, 23-30th January 2023

For more information and the registration form (see + info.pdf)


Aqueous Methodology Applied to Archaeological Materials (2nd year)

ESCRBCC, 14-23 November 2022

For more information and the registration form (see + info.pdf)


Aqueous Methodology Applied to Archaeological Materials

ESCRBCC, 28 June to 1 July and 5 to 8 July 2022

For more information and the registration form (see + info.pdf)


Occupational Risk Prevention Course in Conservation and Restoration (professional and height-related risks)

ESCRBCC, 14 to 21 June 2022


Photogrammetry Course

ESCRBCC, 31 January to 4 February 2022

For more information and the registration form (see + info)


Introductory Course to Stained-glass Technique

ESCRBCC, 25-29 January 2021

For more information and the registration form (see + info)


Experimental Archaeology Workshop. The First Glass Objects

See more information: poster (.pdf) and programme (.pdf)

ESCRBCC, 4, 5, 6 and 7 February 2020, from 15:30 to 19:30.

See more information: poster (.pdf)


Reproduction Methods applied to Cultural Assets (18-21 June 2018)

See more information: poster (.pdf) and programme (.pdf)

Principles and Techniques for Identifying Wood Types (ESCRBCC, 20 -22 November 2017)


General Cleaning Materials and Methods for Paper Bathing (19-21 March 2018)

Workshop: General Cleaning Materials for Wall Paintings (22-24 March 2018)

Project Management (19, 21 and 26 February 2018)

Course: The Conservation of Natural History Collections (Barcelona, 26 to 30 June 2017)

Occupational Risk Prevention Course for Projects in the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Assets (ESCRBCC, 30 January -2 February 2017)

Course: The Identification, Cataloguing and Study of Artistic Binding (ESCRBCC, 6-10 February 2017)

The 2nd International Conservation Symposium-Workshop of Natural History Collections

Risk Prevention Measures for Work at Height

Materials for Cleaning Polychromatic Surfaces

Basic Notions in the History of Furniture

Historical Furniture: Keys for Investigation, Conservation and Restoration

The First Ripoll Conferences 2014. Intervention in Monuments, History and Art

The 1st International Conservation Symposium Workshop Natural History Collections

The Inauguration of the 2013-2014 Academic Course

International Symposium “The Portal of Ripoll: Creation, Conservation and Restoration”

Seminar: The Utility of Identifying Wood Types in Works of Art

A Practical Course in Iron Restoration

Course: Laboratory Techniques for the Histologic Study of Hard Tissues

Course: Occupational Risk Prevention for Conservation and Restoration Work

Course: An Introduction to the History of Clothing through Other Artistic Representations

A Practical Course in Iron Restoration

Reproduction Methods Applied to Cultural Assets (18-21 June de 2018)

ESCRBCC, 20 -22 November 2017


General Cleaning Materials and Methods for Paper Bathing (19-21 March de 2018)

See more information:  programme (.pdf)


General Cleaning Materials for Wall Paintings (22-24 March de 2018)

See more information:  programme (.pdf)


Project Management (19, 21 and 26 February 2018)

Course: The Conservation of Natural History Collections (Barcelona, 26 to 30 June 2017)

Occupational Risk Prevention Course for Projects in the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Assets (ESCRBCC, 30 January to 2 February 2017)


Course: The Identification, Cataloguing and Study of Artistic Binding (ESCRBCC, 6 to 10 February 2017)

The 2nd International Conservation Symposium-Workshop of Natural History Collections

Course: Risk Prevention Measures for Work at Height

Course: Materials for Cleaning Polychromatic Surfaces

Basic Notions in the History of Furniture


Historical Furniture: Keys for Investigation, Conservation and Restoration

The First Ripoll Conferences 2014. Intervention in Monuments, History and Art

1st International Conservation Symposium Workshop Natural History Collections

The Inauguration of the 2013-2014 Academic Course

International Symposium “The Portal of Ripoll: Creation, Conservation and Restoration”


Seminar: The Utility of Identifying Wood Types in Works of Art

A Practical Course in Iron Restoration

Course: Laboratory Techniques for the Histologic Study of Hard Tissues

Course: Occupational Risk Prevention for Conservation and Restoration Work

An Introduction to the History of Clothing through Other Artistic Representations

A Practical Course in Iron Restoration

Reproduction Methods Applied to Cultural Assets (18 to 21 June 2018)

Course: Principles and Techniques for identifying Wood Types (ESCRBCC, 20 to 22 November 2017)

Course Name: General Cleaning Materials and Methods for Paper Bathing (19 to 21 March 2018)

See more information:  programme (.pdf)

Workshop: General Cleaning Materials for Wall Paintings (22 to 24 March 2018)

See more information:  programme (.pdf)

Project Management (19, 21 and 26 February 2018)

See more information:  programme (.pdf)


Course: The Conservation of Natural History Collections (Barcelona, 26 to 30 June 2017)

See more information: poster and programme


Conference Name: Occupational Risk Prevention Course for Projects in the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Assets (ESCRBCC, 30 January to 2 February 2017)

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Course: The Identification, Cataloguing and Study of Artistic Binding (ESCRBCC, 6-10 February 2017)

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The 2nd International Conservation Symposium-Workshop of Natural History Collections

Coordinators: Sandra Val (CRIP), Steve J. Jabo (Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History), Vicen Carrió (National Museums Scotland), Chris Collins (National History Museum of London)
Dates: 6 to 9 May 2015
Location: Pati Manning, Barcelona Regional Government – ESCRBCC
Price: € 275 / € 350 / € 175

Special 1 session price Conferences (6 May) – € 100 / Communications (7 May) – € 100 / Workshops (8 May) – € 150

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Risk Prevention Measures for Work at Height
Professor: Joan Gallego Fernández
Dates: 27-28-29-30 October and 3-4-5 November
Location: ESCRBCC
Price: € 90 (minimum nº 20 students, maximum nº 25 students)

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Course: Materials for Cleaning Polychromatic Surfaces

Course Name: The Updating of Materials and Methods for Cleaning Polychromatic Surfaces
Lecturers: Paolo Cremonesi
Languages: Italy
Dates: 26-27-28 January 2015


Basic Notions in the History of Furniture

Course Name: Basic Notions in the History of Furniture
Lecturers: Mónica Piera and Joan Güell, art historians and specialists in furniture
Languages: Spanish (Mónica) and Catalan (Joan)
Dates: Wednesday, from 1 October to 25 February, from 16:30 to 19:30 (3 hours with a break of 10 minutes). 57 working and teaching hours (3 credits from the ESCRBCC)
Location: The Design Museum (Pl. Glòries, 37-38)
Price: 310 euros, member price: 105 euros, student price: 55 euros, price for members of the Gremi de Fusters i d’Amics dels Museus: 110 euros. Consult scholarships.
Registration and Consultations: 93 256 67 85 – from 9:00 to 14:00

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Historical Furniture: Keys for Investigation, Conservation and Restoration

The First Ripoll Conferences 2014. Intervention in Monuments, History and Art

1st International Conservation Symposium Workshop Natural History Collections

International Symposium “The Portal of Ripoll: Creation, Conservation and Restoration”


Seminar: The Utility of Identifying Wood Types in Works of Art

A Practical Course in Iron Restoration

Course: Laboratory Techniques for the Histologic Study of Hard Tissues

Course: Occupational Risk Prevention for Conservation and Restoration Work


Course: An Introduction to the History of Clothing through Other Artistic Representations

2nd International Conservation Symposium-Workshop of Natural History Collections

Coordinators: Sandra Val (CRIP), Steve J. Jabo (Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History), Vicen Carrió (National Museums Scotland), Chris Collins (National History Museum of London)
Dates: 6 to 9 May 2015
Location: Pati Manning, Barcelona Regional Government – ESCRBCC
Price: € 275 / € 350 / € 175

Special 1 session price: Conferences (6 May) – € 100 / Communications (7 May) – € 100 / Workshops (8 May) – € 150

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Course on Risk Prevention Measures for Works at Height

Professor: Joan Gallego Fernández
Dates: 27, 28, 29 and 30 October and 3, 4, and 5 November
Location: ESCRBCC
Price: € 9 (minimum nº 20 students, maximum nº 25 students)

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Course on Materials for Cleaning Polychromatic Surfaces

Basic Notions in the History of Furniture

Historic Furniture: Keys for Study, Conservation and Restoration

First Conferences of Ripoll 2014. Intervention in Monuments, History and Art.

Event Title: The First Conferences of Ripoll 2014. Intervention in Monuments, History and Art. “José Maria Cabrera Garrido – Alejandro Ferrant Vázquez: the Intervention in the Monastery of Ripoll (1959-1975)”
Organised by: Trustee Board of the Monastery of Ripoll –Ripoll Town Council – The Ripollès County Studies Centre – with the collaboration of the ESCRBCC
Date: 4 and 5 July 2014
The Ripoll conference will be held as part of the University of Vic Summer Courses.
Timetable: from 10:00 to 14:00 and from 16:00 to 20:00.
Lunch on the first day is included.
There will be a guided visit of the Monastery of Ripoll.


1st International Conservation Symposium Workshop Natural History Collections

Organised by: CRIP (The Palaeontological Centre Restoration and Interpretation Centre)
Date: 20/09/2013
Four workshops on fossil protection, microenvironments, facial reconstructions and feather restoration were held at the ESCRBCC, as part of the 1st International Conservation Symposium Workshop Natural History Collections. This event was organised by the Paleontological Restoration and Interpretation Centre (CRIP) with the collaboration of the National Museums of Scotland in Edinburgh and the Museum of Natural History of the Smithsonian Institution. The collaboration of professional experts from several countries allowed the participants, among whom were teachers and students from the college, to learn from high-level specialists.

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The Opening Ceremony of the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Organised by: ESCRBCC
Date: 16/10/2013
This event focuses on paleontological collections and pertinent conservation and restoration techniques. The conference was held by Sandra Val, the Head of Restoration at the Paleontological Restoration and Interpretation Centre (CRIP), who gave an overview of the various fields that encompass the knowledge and study of collections of this type and which form a specialized branch in the conservation and restoration of archaeological assets.

International Symposium “The Portal of Ripoll: Creation, Conservation and Restoration”

Organised by: Trustee Board of the Monastery of Ripoll –Ripoll Town Council – The Ripollès County Studies Centre.
Date: 16 to 19 October 2013
A large number of students from the ESCRBCC took part in the International Symposium “The Portal of Ripoll: Creation, Conservation and Restoration”, which was held in Ripoll, where the latest scientific research was presented to reflect on the creation, the conservation and recovery of this important European Romanesque monument.

Seminar: The Utility of the Identification of Woods in Works of Art

Organised by: The Association for Furniture Studies – the Polytechnic University of Catalonia – ESCRBCC
Date: 12/11/2013
This seminar is part of the Master’s Degree in Monument Restoration organised by the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, and taught at the ESCRBCC. Joan Teruel, the Manager of Natural Resources, Raquel Carreras, the UNESCO Regional Chair Professor, Emili Hormias, Architect and lecturer at the ETSEB-UPC, and Margarida Quiles, Lecturer in Sculpture Conservation and Restoration at the ESCRBC. The teaching staff gave different views on the subject with respect to their specialty areas, which allowed participants to visualize the problems and complexity of this discipline.

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Practical Course in Iron Restoration

Event Title: Practical Course in Iron Restoration
Organised by: The Cau Ferrat Museum of Sitges – ESCRBCC
Date: From 01/10/2013 to 19/12/2013
This course, which is taught by Professor Anna González, is held at the ESCRBCC facilities. The worked pieces belong to the iron collection of the Cau Ferrat Museum in Sitges. This course is recognised by the ESCRBCC and counted for 3 ECTS credits.

Course on Laboratory Techniques for the Histologic Study of Hard Tissues

Event Title: Course on Laboratory Techniques for the Histologic Study of Hard Tissues
Organised by: The Paleontological Restoration and Interpretation Centre (CRIP) – ESCRBCC
Date: 20 to 30 January 2014
The course was held at the facilities of the ESCRBCC and was given by Lecturer Rubén Garcia, who focused on different treatments for preparing bones and fossil bones in order to carry out histological studies. He also delved into the techniques of making thin sheets in bone, fossilised bones and teeth. This course was recognised by the ESCRBCC with 1 ECTS credit.

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Course on Risk Prevention in Conservation and Restoration Work

Event Title: Course on Risk Prevention in Conservation and Restoration Work
Organised by: The Labour Foundation for Construction (FLC) – ESCRBCC
Date: 17-28 February 2014
The ESCRBCC has reached an agreement with the Labour Foundation for Construction (FLC) in order to offer its students complementary training in occupational risk prevention for each of the specialties of the study plan. The aim is to provide them with a wider range of improved skills in the execution of their professional activities.

The course was taught by Lecturer Joan Gallego Fernández, who is an industrial technical engineer and a senior technician in occupational risk prevention.

This course has been recognised by the ESCRBCC with 1 ECTS credit.

As this course is considered to be a very important supplementary topic for all restorers, a new course has been planned for every year.

This year, to commemorate the start of this agreement, an event was held at the ESCRBCC on 26 March, where students were awarded diplomas. The event was attended by the President of the Labour Foundation for Construction of Catalonia, Mr. Joan Santaulària, the Vice-president Miguel Peláez (Fecoma-CCOO), Mr. Antonio Pasadas (MCA-UGT), the manager of the organisation in Catalonia, Emilio Gómez, and Benjamí Monterde, the Director of Programmes and Training.

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An Introductory Course to the History of Clothing through Other Artistic Representations

Event Title: An Introductory Course to the History of Clothing through Other Artistic Representations
Organised by: The Centre for Documentation and the Textile Museum of Terrassa (CDMT) and ESCRBCC
Date: 28 January to 20 March de 2014
This course was taught by the lecturers Mercè López and Montserrat Bargalló. The theoretical part was held at the ESCRBCC. The course was aimed at professionals and students of restoration, conservation, documentation and heritage management. It followed a chronological historical order through the arts, interrelating cultures and influences in order to understand social, artistic and technological changes over time. The practical stage of the course made it possible to contrast the concepts taught in a class environment by studying pieces of clothing, fabrics and accessories that are held in storage by the CDMT. This course has been recognised by the ESCRBCC with 3 ECTS credits.

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Practical Course in Iron Restoration

Event Title: Practical Course in Iron Restoration
Organised by: The Cau Ferrat Museum of Sitges – ESCRBCC
Date: From 03/02/2014 to 30/05/2014
This course, which is taught by Professor Anna González, is held at the ESCRBCC facilities. The worked pieces belong to the iron collection of the Cau Ferrat Museum in Sitges. This course is recognised by the ESCRBCC with 3 ECTS credits.

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Administration ESCRBCC:

Telephone: 34-933546992


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