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Entrance exams for the bachelor’s degree in conservation and restoration of cultural heritage for the 2025-2026 academic year

Testing Day: Monday, June 16, 2025

Vacancies: 40

Test registration dates: from March 25 to May 28, 2025

Extendable to June 13, 2025

Office hours from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

  1. 29 May: Provisional list of people admitted and excluded from the test.
  2. June 12: Deadline to rectify defects in the submitted documentation.
  3. 13 June: Final list of admitted and excluded persons.

The groups will be published once registration closes (June 14).

Qualifications & Admissions:

  1. 19 June: Publication of provisional test scores.
  2. 20-26 June: Deadline for submitting written complaints.
  3. 27 June: Publication of the final grades.
  4. Filing of an appeal or second claim: 1 month.

Registration: Until 8 July.

To begin studies in the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage, the following procedures must be followed:

  • Register for the entrance exam at the centre’s secretary’s office, during the established days and months (generally during the month of May, and if there is a September call, during the first week of September).
  • Take the entrance exam (generally in mid-June, and if there is a call in September, during the second week of September).

Once the entrance test has been passed, enrolment must be formalised at the centre’s secretary’s office, within the period and at the times indicated on the centre’s communications board and on the website.


Entrance exam requirements for higher education courses in the conservation and restoration of cultural assets. (DOGC No. 8452 – 7.7.2021)

  1. Parts and sections

The exams are common to all specialities and have two parts, A and B

Part A has 2 sections.

Part B has 2 sections.

Candidates must pass both parts of the exam.

  1. Sections in part A:

2.1 Section 1.

  1. a) The objective is to assess the ability to understand and relate the contents of a text, demonstrating critical and argumentative analysis and ability, as well as the correct use of language common to the heritage or scientific fields.
  2. b) Comment on a text: comment on a text on artistic and cultural heritage, or scientific dissemination.
  3. c) The maximum time allotted to comment on the text will be one hour.
  4. d) The ability to understand the text and identify the main ideas, synthesis and schematisation, as well as interpreting the ideas contained in the text, both cultural and scientific, will be assessed. Writing skills and maturity will also be taken into consideration.
  5. e) Weighting: This section will be worth 50% of the total for part A.

2.2 Section 2.

  1. a) The objective is to assess the humanistic and/or scientific knowledge of the candidate in History, Art History, Biology, and Physics and Chemistry.
  2. b) The candidate must choose two of the four aforementioned subjects and produce a written answer, for each subject chosen, to one or two questions from a possible four which will be set by the exam assessment committee.
  3. c) The maximum time allotted for this section will be two hours.
  4. d) Evaluation criteria.

In History, the degree of knowledge of the most significant historical events and processes and how they have evolved from their origins to the present day will be assessed.

In Art History, the degree of knowledge of the characteristics of the different historical periods of artistic output and how they have evolved from their origins to the present day will be assessed.

In Biology, the degree of knowledge of the basic structure of living organisms in relation to three areas will be assessed: at molecular and cellular level, the diversity of organisms and at biosphere level.

In Physics and Chemistry, the degree of knowledge of the main facts, principles, laws and theories relating to physical phenomena and the structure of matter and its chemical changes will be assessed.

  1. e) Weighting: This section will be worth 50% of the total for part A.

Part A will be marked as Pass or Fail.

All those who have passed the university entrance exams will be exempt from sitting part A.

  1. Sections in part B:

3.1 Section 1.

  1. a) The objective is to assess the visual art capabilities of the applicant in relation to the understanding of the attributes of colour.
  2. b) The execution of a task relating to the representation of colour and chiaroscuro values.
  3. c) The time allotted for the exam will be two hours.
  4. d) The ability to faithfully and skilfully reproduce the tones and chromatic values from models and/or images will be assessed. The suitability of the techniques used and the degree of understanding of the tones, values and colour qualities of the subject matter will also be assessed.
  5. e) Weighting. This section will be worth 50% of the total for part B.

3.2 Section 2.

  1. a) The aim is to assess manual dexterity and the manipulation of materials and tools.
  2. b) Perform a practical task based on the use of cutting and scraping tools and/or equipment used for drawing and painting, to cut, manipulate and modify materials of low resistance and/or correct and modify figures and/or illustrations.
  3. c) The maximum time allotted for this section will be two hours.
  4. d) Evaluation criteria. The dexterity, attention to detail, skill and precision demonstrated in completing the task will be assessed.
  5. e) This section will be worth 50% of the overall total for part B.



  • Completed application
  • Certified copy of National Identity Document or passport
  • Certified copy of Baccalaureate certificate or proof that this has been requested
  • Payment of entrance exam fee

Only if applicable:

  • Certified copy of extended-family certificate
  • Certified copy of PAU marks obtained



  • Completed application
  • Certified copy of National Identity Document or passport
  • Certified copy of document confirming completion of studies required to register:
    • Advanced qualification in Plastic Arts and Design (with the mark awarded in the final year)
    • Degree in Applied Arts (with the mark obtained in the accreditation)

In the event that the registration has to be submitted by post or fax, candidates must contact the Administration Office of the Escola Superior de Conservació i Restauració de Béns Culturals de Catalunya.



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