The first Erasmus+ programme in which our centre participated was for the 2014-2020 period, which began on 1 January 2014. This programme has since been available to all students who have completed mobility studies or internships while the ECHE 2014-2021 Charter was applicable.
Under the new ECHE Charter, the mobility programmes of the Erasmus Studies, Practices, Teaching and Training (PDI) and Training (PAS) programme continue to exist, although they have undergone modifications when compared to previous years.
The new Erasmus+ programme now allows students to spend time in European universities or to have periods of practical experience in institutions, companies and organisations in Europe, or in associated countries.
The new features offered by the ECHE 2021-2027 Charter is that students will be able to undertake several Erasmus periods of both studies and internships throughout their degree course. A maximum number of 12 months is established for each study course (12 months for a Bachelor’s degree, 12 months for a Master’s degree and 12 months for Doctorate), with a total of 36 months for all three courses.
Furthermore, the Erasmus programme is now seeking to reach all sectors of our society without discrimination with the goal of trying to achieve a more European, unitary feeling, without disregarding any of the many different profiles that make up our society and where the diversity that surrounds us is reflected.
Studies abroad allow interaction at educational, linguistic and cultural levels and represent an experience of global learning that the Escola Superior de Conservació i Restauració de Béns Culturals de Catalunya (ESCRBCC) continuously strives to maintain.
The ESCRBCC offers an extended Erasmus modality, which recognises Erasmus study grants as well as apprenticeships at Universities or Higher Eduction Centres with whom an agreement has been signed.
Also, the ESCRBCC has signed a protocol of Exchange and a General Agreement of Academic Cooperation with the Universidad del Museo Social Argentino (Buenos Aires-Argentina). This is a general agreement of academic, scientific and technical collaboration, on the basis of which students of both institutions will be able to take part in exchanges of academic mobility.
The Aims of Erasmus Student Mobility for Study Purposes:
- To allow students to benefit educationally, linguistically and culturally from a learning experience in other European countries.
- To promote cooperation between institutions and enrich the educational environment of host institutions.
- To contribute to the creation of a community of well-qualified young and future professionals, with open minds and international experience.
- To facilitate the credit transfers and the recognition of stays abroad, using the ECTS system or a compatible credit system.
What does an Erasmus Course involve?
- The Erasmus programme consists of completing a period of study in a higher education institution in another European country.At the end of this period, the student’s institution of origin will academically recognise the studies completed.
- During this period, the student is exempt from paying academic fees to the host institution.However students may be required to pay small mandatory fees corresponding to insurance, student unions, use of various materials, etc., under the same conditions as local students.
- Students from Higher Education Institutions who have an Erasmus University Charter will be able to participate.The students must receive a written study agreement relating to the study programme to be followed in the host country.This agreement will be previously agreed with the Erasmus coordinator.
- At the end of the stay abroad, the host institution must send the Erasmus students and their home institution a certificate stating that they have completed the agreed programme, together with a results report.
The academic period of the stays generally lasts from 1 July of one year to 30 September the following year.
The duration of each student’s stay will always depend on the agreement established with each institution, with a maximum number of 12 months.
However, the financial endowment of the Erasmus+ Studies scholarships covers only a minimum duration of 3 months and a maximum of 5 months (1 semester).
To complement this, stays can be made with what is called a “zero scholarship”, in which the student may carry out the exchange managed by the institution of origin, but without financial support.
Note: A maximum of 12 months of mobility between studies and internships during the period of higher studies is permitted.
Those eligible for requesting an Erasmus Studies Scholarship
Students on the second, third and fourth course of the ESCRBCC, with a minimum of 60 approved credits.
More Information:
ESCRBCC Erasmus Coordination:
Gemma Orge
Tel: 93-3546992 – Fax: 93-2762827
e-mail: erasmus@escrbcc.cat
Erasmus placements consist of staying in a company or organisation in another participating country for a specific period of time. They are intended to help people adapt to the demands of the labour market in the local community, acquire specific skills and improve their understanding of the economic and social environment of the host country, while gaining work experience and practicing the country’s language. The purpose of the grants is to help cover the additional costs of student mobility arising from the stay abroad (mainly travel and subsistence costs).
The financial grants have a minimum duration of 2 months, and a maximum of 12 months. However it must be noted that currently only a 3-month maximum period is financed. Any stay may be extended for up to 12 months, but without financial aid (zero grant).
Note: a student may undertake a maximum period of 12 months of mobility, between studies and internships. The stays must take place from 1 July and the student must return no later than 30 September of the year following that in which the stay was granted.
Economic Provision
The amount of the grant is approximately € 350 per month
Additional Grants
Erasmus student grants are compatible with any other national grant or loan. During their mobility period, the student will continue benefitting from those scholarships or loans for educational purposes that they may be able to obtain normally in order to study in their institution of origin. Erasmus mobility grants are complementary to national and/or regional scholarship systems, including those systems that offer compensation for the additional costs of studies undertaken abroad.
Eligible Candidates for Erasmus+ Internship Scholarships
ESCRBCC students who are enrolled in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th courses can apply for an Erasmus internship scholarship.
2nd and 3rd and 4th year students: may apply for internships from June to September. Students will be able to do undertake internships during the year following their graduation, provided that the request has been made while they are still enrolled at the college.
Stay Requirements
Stays must be undertaken in companies, training centres, research centres or organisations in European Union countries that offer internships adapted to the professional profile of those students participating.
The basic characteristics of the practices are:
- The higher education institution of origin must grant its full recognition with respect to the internship period abroad.
- The student must receive a training agreement related to the internship programme period.This agreement must be approved by the higher education institution of origin, the host organization and the beneficiary.Further Information
General information on Erasmus+ internships is available at the SEPIE (more information here).
ESCRBCC Erasmus Coordination:
Gemma Orge
e-mail: erasmus@escrbcc.cat
Tel: 93 354 69 92
GENERAL ACADEMIC COOPERATION AGREEMENT University of the Argentine Social Museum (UMSA)
BUENOS AIRES (Argentina)
On 16/5/2012, an Exchange Protocol and a General Agreement of Academic Cooperation and Exchange were signed between Maria Alejandra Garbarini Islas, the Academic Vice-rector of the Universidad del Museo Social Argentino (Buenos Aires-Argentina ) and Miquel Mirambell, the Director of the ESCRBCC, which will be valid for five years and extendable on the express agreement of the parties. This is a general academic, scientific and technical collaboration and cooperation agreement from which students from both institutions will be able to participate in academic mobility exchanges.
- Students who participate will be guaranteed academic recognition for the study period completed at the destination university or institution of higher education through an academic agreement.
- Each student will be provided with a transcript of the file with the grades he/she has obtained after completing their residence.
- Each institution undertakes to try to help those participating in this agreement to find accommodation.The costs of travel, accommodation, food, maintenance and other personal expenses (including medical coverage, medical expenses not covered by insurance or medical coverage, books and other school materials) will be borne by each participant. Neither the institution of destination nor the institution of origin will bear these costs.
- Both institutions agree on the exchange of students for a full year (two semesters) or for one half of the academic year (one semester).
- Each institution may send 4 students per year. The ESCRBCC undertakes to receive 4 students per year (1 student for each of the 4 specialised areas: the Conservation and Restoration of Archaeological Assets, the Conservation and Restoration of Graphic Documents, the Conservation and Restoration of Sculpture and the Conservation and Restoration of Paintings).
Students will be selected by their own university or school, on the basis of the following criteria, although there may be exceptions in some specific cases:
- They must be citizens or permanent residents, or be in possession of a valid visa to reside in the country of the university or school of origin.
- They must have completed 50% of the programme of the university or school of origin when the mobility request is made.
- They possess and demonstrate a good academic record.
Painting Conservation and Restoration
Graphic Document Conservation and Restoration
Both institutions agree on student exchange periods for the full year (two semesters) or half of the academic year (one semester)
1st semester:
Start: Mid-September
End: Mid-January
Exams: End of January
2nd semester:
Start: Beginning of February
End: Beginning of June
Exams: Mid-June
1st semester:
Start: Mid-March
End: End of June
Exams: July
2nd semester:
Start: End of June
End: Mid-November
Exams: November/December – February/March
Students must pay their registration fees at their own university or college, and will be exempt from paying any registration fees or academic fees at the place of destination.
At the place of destination, the student must pay any other types of fees that the students there are also obliged to pay. The university or college of destination must inform the student in advance with respect to fees of this type.
Those students who are accepted in exchanges of this kind will be considered as international students and, therefore, must pay those fees determined by the host university or school, as well as any other expenses that may arise from registration and/or processing.
- Students must have a minimum grade point average of 7.
- Students must take out medical insurance: this is a mandatory condition.
- The visa is processed in Buenos Aires.
To make the request:
- Students contact the ESCRBCC Head of Studies beforehand, who will send the requests with the names and e-mails of the students requesting the exchange.
- They must pre-register online using the following link:http://mi.umsa.edu.ar/webmaster/index.php?nologin=yes&pop=yes&oper=alta_form&opt=pre_insc_ext_10&start=INGRESAR.
Applicants normally only need to fill in the compulsory fields on the form.
The documentation that the students need to send by e-mail is a follows:
- The scanned first and second pages of their passport
- A motivational letter
- Certificate of studies
- A brief C.V.
For more information, see the PDF file
The university or college of destination will send the participating students the corresponding acceptance letters for the processing of the visa, in addition to scholarships, or any other necessary documentation. The study programme will be chosen by the student with the approval of the academic coordinators of the two institutions, and is based on the completion of an academic agreement.
Students who participate in the exchange will be entitled to participate in any orientation programme that is organised for foreigners in the host university.
The records of those students who wish to study at UMSA during the first semester (March) must be sent before 15 November of the previous year. Once accepted, students must present themselves for registration during the first week of March.
The records of those students who wish to study at UMSA in the second semester (July/August) must be sent before 30 May 30 of the year in progress. Once accepted, students must present themselves for registration during the second week of July.
The students will obtain their corresponding grades certificate from the host university. The ESCRBCC will use this document to process the academic recognition of the corresponding credits.
The International Relations Department is currently led by
Susana Boratto
Tel nº: (0054-11) 5530 7665
e-mail: relaciones.internacionales@umsa.edu.ar
Gemma Orge
Erasmus+ Coordinator
Tel: +34-93-3546992 – Fax: +34-93-2762827
e-mail: erasmus@escrbcc.cat

Universidad de los Andes (UNIANDES – Bogotá, Colombia)
On November 2, 2023, the exchange protocol and the general academic cooperation and exchange agreement were signed between Silvia Caro Spinel, the Academic Vice-rector of the Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá, Colombia) and Miquel Mirambell, the Director of the ESCRBCC, which will be valid for five years, and which will be extendable by express agreement of both parties.
This is a general agreement of academic, scientific and technical collaboration and cooperation, in which students from both institutions will be able to participate in academic mobility exchanges.
- Cooperation in the exchange of teaching staff, in order to collaborate in teaching and/or research programmes in Bachelor’s and Master’s courses.
- The exchange of undergraduate and postgraduate students from Uniandes and degree students from the ESCRBCC.
- Participating students will be guaranteed academic recognition of the study period undertaken at the destination university or higher education institution through an academic agreement. Each student will be also be provided with a transcript of their record with the grades obtained after their stay has ended.
- Travel expenses, accommodation, food, subsistence and other personal expenses, including medical coverage, those medical expenses not covered by insurance or medical coverage, books or other school supplies, will be the responsibility of each participant. Neither the destination institution, nor the origin institution will be responsible for these expenses.
- Each institution may send 1 student per year.
The students will be selected by the university or school itself, based on the following criteria, although there may be exceptions in some specific cases:
- They must be citizens or permanent residents, or be in possession of a valid visa to reside in the country of the university or school of origin.
- They must have entirely completed 50% of the program of the university or school of origin when the mobility request is made (2 years of undergraduate level studies at Uniandes or 2 years of degree level studies at the ESCRBCC).
Degree in the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property
Both institutions agree on the exchange of students during an academic year at Uniandes (January-May, August-November) and half of the academic year at the ESCRBCC (second semester: January-May).
2nd semester:
Start: End of January
End: Beginning of June
Exams: Mid-June
1st term:
Start: January
End: May
Exams: May
2nd semester:
Start: August
End: November
Exams: November/December
The student will pay the registration fee at their own university or school, and will be exempt from paying any registration fee or academic fee at the destination.
The student must pay any other type of fees that at the destination institution that the students of this body are also obliged to pay. The destination university or school must inform the student in advance regarding fees of this kind.
Those students accepted in this type of exchange will be considered as international students and will therefore have to pay those fees determined by the host university or school, in addition to any other expenses that may arise from registration and/or processing.
- Students must have completed at least two years of undergraduate study at Uniandes or two years of study at the ESCRBCC Bachelor’s degree programme.
- Level B2 of Spanish at Uniandes, B2 of Spanish at the ESCRBCC (and Level A2 of Catalan – to be taken once the student has enrolled at the ESCRBCC, and which will be recognized as holding a value of 3 ECTS credits).
- Students must take out medical insurance. This is a mandatory condition
- The visa must be processed in the country of origin.
In order to file the request:
- Students must contact the ESCRBCC Head of Studies in advance.
- Students must pre-enroll by contacting the secretary at:
Students must send the following documentation by e-mail:
- Then scanned first and second pages of their passport
- A covering letter
- A certificate of their studies
- A brief CV
The destination university or school will send the participating students the corresponding acceptance letters to enable the processing of the visa, scholarships or any other necessary documentation.
The study programme will be chosen by the student, together with the approval of the academic coordinators of the two institutions, and will be based on the completion of an academic agreement.
Those students who participate in the exchange will be entitled to participate in any orientation programme that may be organised for foreigners at the destination institution.
The records of those students who wish to study at Uniandes during the first semester (January) must be delivered before 15 November of the preceding year. Once accepted, students must present themselves for enrollment during the first week of January. Those students who wish to study in the second semester (August) must submit their applications before 3 May of the current year. Once accepted, students must appear during the first registration in the second week of July.
Students may obtain their corresponding grade certificates at the university or destination centre. The ESCRBCC will then process the corresponding credit recognition documentation based on this information.
The International Relations Department is currently headed by:
Natalia Rubio
Head of Academic Cooperation
Dirección de Internacionalización – UNIANDES
Calle 19 # 1 – 67, Bogotá – Colombia
E-mail address: oiarelations@uniandes.edu.co
The Uniandes website: https://uniandes.edu.co/
Gemma Orge
Coordinator for Erasmus+
Tel: +34-93-3546992 – Fax: +34-93-2762827
E-mail address: erasmus@escrbcc.cat
Teaching Staff Mobility
The main activity is teaching given by a lecturer from a centre of higher education or by company staff in another higher education institution in a partner country.
The mobility of teaching staff must be based on inter-institutional agreements.
The partnered higher education institutions must agree on the teaching programme given by the lecturers in the host institution prior to the start of mobility.
The teaching of at least five teaching hours is mandatory. The maximum duration is six weeks, although the National Agency will finance a maximum of one week.
The aim of this grant is to help towards travel and living expenses.
For more information, go to: SEPIE
Training Staff Mobility
This covers two types of mobility:
- Staff mobility from a higher education institution to a company.These activities may include: seminars, workshops, courses and conferences, periods of practical training, short service commissions, etc.
- The mobility of teaching and non-teaching staff from a higher education institution to another, partner higher education institution (therefore no signed inter-institutional agreements are necessary).
These activities may include: short commissions for services, the observation of professionals, study visits, etc. Teaching and non-teaching staff may participate.
The presentation of a training programme accepted by the institution of origin and the host, or by the company is obligatory.
Duration: Minimum – 1 week. Maximum – 6 weeks. The National Agency will finance a maximum of one week.
The aim of this grant is to help towards travel and living expenses.
For more information, go to: SEPIE