The students who pass this course will be awarded a BA in Higher Art Studies in Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage, which is included for all purposes in level 2 of the Spanish Standard for Higher Education Qualifications and is the equivalent of a university degree ((Law 8/2013, 9th of December, for the improvement of educational standards, 44 – BOE num. 295, 10th of December. 2013, p. 97892, and Law 1/2024, of June 7, regulating higher artistic education and establishing the organization and equivalences of professional artistic education (BOE num. 139, June 8, 2024, article 9).
Law 1/2024, of June 7, regulating higher artistic education and establishing the organization and equivalences of professional artistic education (BOE 2024.pdf).
Royal Decree 1614/2009, 26th of October, whereby the standardisation of Higher Arts Studies is established (RD2009.pdf) and Royal Decree 21/2015 of 23 January, by amending RD 1614/2009 (RD2015.pdf).
Decree 85/2014, 10th of June, for Higher Arts Studies (D2014.pdf).
Royal Decree 635/2010, 14th of May, by which the basic content of the Degree course in Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage is regulated (RD2010.pdf).
Royal Decree 96/2014, 14th of February, which modifies Royal Decrees 1027/2011, 15th of June, under which the Spanish Standard for Higher Education Qualifications (MECES) is established, and 1393 / 2007, 29th of October under which the standardisation of official university teaching programmes are established (RD2014.pdf).
In addition, the University-System Quality Agency for Catalonia has accredited the Degree in Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage which is awarded by the ESCRBCC (see:
Law 3/2020, 30th of December, for the improvement of Law 2/2006, 3rd of May, of Education (BOE 2020.pdf).