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Codex Biblioteca online Intraweb Unicum Moodle


Once the application has been completed, together with the documentation provided, deliver it in person to the ESCRBCC Secretary’s Office on working days from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., or by email to

You can consult all the information in the  Memòria per a la Verificació del Títol Oficial (Official Degree Verification Report):

  • Submission of the registration application and documentation: until June 15 2023.
  • Provisional publication of applicants admitted to the Master’s degree: 20 June 2023.
  • The deadline for submitting written claims: June 22 2023.
  • Definitive publication of Master’s degree applicants: 27 June 2023.
  • Enrolment in the Master’s degree: from 28 June to 12 July 2023.
  • Vacant places: 15
  • Master’s degree places: 15

Profile of admission, capabilities, knowledge and interests:

To be eligible for entry to the Masters course, candidates must have had sufficient previous training in the field of conservation and restoration of cultural assets equivalent to level 2 of the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education (MECES).

This training guarantees compliance with the guidelines set by the Royal Decree and which establish the Spanish Framework for higher education qualifications and defines Masters courses as being those which “allow the student to undergo advanced training, of a specialised or multidisciplinary nature, for the purposes of academic or professional specialisation”, MECES (RD2014.pdf).

Likewise, to acknowledge that the candidates’ personal interests demonstrate their dedication to or research into this field, previous experience of photography, and especially a knowledge of conservation and restoration, will be taken into consideration.

Therefore, the entrance requirements are that the candidate demonstrates previous and specific training in the field of conservation and restoration of historical artefacts and especially in photography.

Entrance requirements, criteria for admission and/or special entrance exams:

To have one of the following qualifications:

Specific admission requirements

Qualifications allowing access to the Masters are:

– A degree or a higher degree in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage awarded by a Spanish Higher Education Institution.

– A Degree in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage awarded by a Spanish University.

– A Degree in Fine Arts, specialising or with a course in Conservation and Restoration.

– A qualification in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage equivalent to a University Diploma, awarded by a School of Higher Education in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage (3 academic years).

– Degrees or specific European higher degrees in conservation and restoration of cultural heritage, or from other non-European countries.

Should the number of applicants exceed the places offered, places will be allocated in accordance with criteria set out in the Report on the Verification of Recognised Qualifications (page 24):


1- The relevance of the study programme followed to the entrance requirements. 4 points.

2- Academic record of courses qualifying for entry to the programme: maximum 2 points.

3- Academic achievements: other qualifications which are not required to gain access to the Masters programme and/or courses linked to the conservation and restoration of cultural heritage: maximum 1 point.


4- Courses completed which are relevant to the programme but which do not lead to an academic qualification. Quantitative variable: 0.1 points for each 60 hours of study


5- Professional and/or research experience related to the conservation and restoration of photographic heritage: maximum 1 point.


6- Knowledge of languages: maximum 1 point.

Mastery of a foreign language, within the Common European Framework of Reference (Resolution ENS/1477/2015 of 25th June – DOGC nº. 6905, 03/07/2015): English, French, German and Italian.

Foreign students must possess a knowledge of Spanish equivalent to at least level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). The Masters Committee can interview these students to verify their ability to comprehend and express themselves in Spanish. It the Committee considers it necessary, it can advise those students having difficulties with comprehension to take courses to improve their abilities in said language.


7- Curriculum Vitae together with a motivation letter: maximum 1 point.

Admissions Committee:

The ESCRBCC Masters Committee will be responsible for allocating places, in accordance with the selection criteria detailed above and within the time scale published in the ESCRBCC website.

Special entrance exams

There are no special entrance exams but, should it be considered necessary, personal interviews may be held as a complement to the selection process.


Master’s price

Each ECTS credit has a cost of 35 euros.

Consequently, the total price of the ordinary registration of the master’s degree is 2100 euros.

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