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Those students passing this exam will be awarded a Masters in Art Education in the Conservation and Restoration of Photographic Heritage, which is included for all purposes within level 3 of the Spanish Framework for Higher Education Qualifications.


Royal Decree 1614/2009, 26th October, which establishes higher level artistic education arrangements regulated by Act 2/2006 of 3rd May, education, which in Article 13 sets out the approval procedure for the Masters for higher artistic education, amended in sections 3, 5, 7 and 8 in accordance with Royal Decree 21/2015 of 23rd January (RD2009.pdf).

Royal Decree 96/2014, 14th February, which amends Royal Decrees 1027/2011 of 15th July establishing the Spanish Framework for Qualifications in Higher Education (MECES), and 1393/2007 of 29th October establishing the arrangements for official university education (RD2014.pdf).

Approval of the Programme of Study for the Masters in Art Education in the Conservation and Restoration of Photographic Heritage at the ESCRBCC, by the Ministry of Education and Professional Training on 31st July 2018 (see.pdf).

Order EFP/982/2018, 20th September, whereby the Programme of Study for the Masters in Art Education in the Conservation and Restoration of Photographic Heritage at the School of Conservation and Restoration of the Cultural Heritage of Catalonia (see.pdf) is approved.

RESOLUTION, 24th October, whereby set courses at the School of Conservation and Restoration of the Cultural Heritage of Catalonia, Barcelona, are established, as published in DOGC num. 7741 – 6.11.2018 (see.pdf).

Law 1/2024, of June 7, regulating higher artistic education and establishing the organization and equivalences of professional artistic education (BOE 2024.pdf).


The Agency responsible for the Quality of the University System (AQU Catalunya) has accredited the Masters in Art Education in the Conservation and Restoration of Photographic Heritage which is taught at the ESCRBCC. To carry out this evaluation, AQU Catalunya applied the Framework for the verification, tracking, modification and accreditation of degrees.

Details regarding the Verification of the Masters (see.pdf)

Final report on the Evaluation of the application to verify the Official Degree (see.pdf)

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