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Codex Biblioteca online Intraweb Unicum Moodle


Recognition of credits
Minimum Maximum
Studied in non-university official higher education courses 6 credits 36 credits
At centres issuing their own qualifications 6 credits 9 credits
Studied for work and professional experience courses 6 credits 9 credits


System for the transfer and recognition of credits

The ruling applicable in this section is Royal Decree 1614/2009, 26th October, which establishes the method of organising higher artistic education courses as regulated in Act 2/2006 of 3rd May, Education.  Also Royal Decree 21/2015, 23rd January, which modifies the above. By Royal Decree 1618/2011, 14th November, concerning the recognition of Higher Education studies (BOE nº. 302 – 16.12.2011), and by Resolution ENS/2869/2011, 21st November, on the recognition and transfer of credits, the validation of apprenticeships, the recognition of individualised credits and other specific procedures within higher artistic education (DOGC nº. 6024 – 14.12.2011).

It must be noted that this regulation also includes Masters.


From the above regulations, recognition is understood as being the acceptance by one Education Authority of credits, obtained in accredited courses in higher artistic education centres or another EHEA centre, being taken into account for the purpose of obtaining an official qualification.

The basic premises are:

  • The studies recognised cannot amount to more than 60% of the credits in the Programme of Study for the intended qualification (in this case 36 credits).
  • For the courses subject to the recognition of credits, the qualification obtained at the centre in question will be taken into account. Credits for courses with no official qualification will not be recognised or taken into account for weighting purposes.
  • In any case, credits corresponding to the Final Masters Project for courses still being studied will not be recognised.

General Criteria:

  1. The recipients will be students enrolled in the Masters in Art Education in the Conservation and Restoration of Photographic Heritage course at the ESCRBCC.
  2. The external practical studies forming part of the curriculum may be subject to recognition, in whole or in part.

Specific criteria:

  1. The credits will be recognised after taking into account the relevance and the content of the subjects studied and those in the Programme of Study for the course the student is undertaking. At least 80% of the content must correspond to the subjects in the course the student is undertaking.
  2. The study duration of the credits recognised must equal at least 80% of the duration of the credits to be recognised.
  3. Both of the above conditions must be met in order to grant recognition.


  1. The student asks the ESCRBCC Pedagogy Committee for a review for the purpose of recognising credits. This request has to be made formally by presenting the relevant form together with the documentation necessary (qualification, certificate of studies, etc.) to the secretary at the ESCRBCC (study.pdf).
  2. The Masters’ Coordinator, together with the ESCRBCC Pedagogy Committee, will carry out a review and write a report based on specific criteria.
  3. The student, after matriculating, requests recognition.
  4. The School board will make a decision based on the report written by the Masters’ Coordinator and the Pedagogy Committee.


According to the aforementioned regulations, validation is understood as being the awarding of credits corresponding to the skills acquired by the student via other channels, such as artistic or professional experience, work experience or social experience or even other studies not included in the recognition and transfer of credits system.

The basic premises are:

  • The studies validated cannot amount to more than 15% of the credits in the Programme of Study of the intended qualification (in this case 9 credits).
  • The validated credits are not graded, therefore they will not count towards the score on file. These credits are taken into account for the purpose of obtaining the official qualification.
  • In any case, credits corresponding to the Final Masters Project for courses still being studied will not be validated.

General Criteria:

  1. The recipients will be students enrolled in the Masters course in the Conservation and Restoration of Photographic Heritage at the ESCRBCC.

Specific criteria for the validation of unofficial studies:

  1. The credits will be validated after taking into account the relevance and the content of the courses taken and those in the Programme of Study in the course being studied. Specifically, at least 80% of the content must correspond to the same subjects in the course the student is studying.
  2. The study duration of the credits validated must equal at least 80% of the duration of the credits to be validated.
  3. Both of the above conditions must be met in order to grant validation.

Specific criteria for the validation of artistic, professional, work or social experience:

  1. The credits will be validated after taking into account the relevance of skills acquired by the student from experience to those in the Programme of Study in the course being studied. Specifically, at least 80% of the content must correspond to the same subjects in the course the student is studying.
  2. The duration of the experience of the credits validated must equal at least 80% of the duration of the credits to be validated.
  3. Both of the above conditions must be met in order to grant validation.


  1. The student asks the ESCRBCC Pedagogy Committee for a review for the purpose of validating credits. This request has to be made formally by presenting the relevant form to the Secretary at the ESCRBCC together with the documentation necessary  :

– Qualification or certificate for courses studied, in the case of experience acquired through studies.

– Certificate or accreditation showing the types of activity carried out and the duration, in the case of artistic, professional, work or social experience.

  1. The Masters’ Coordinator, together with the ESCRBCC Pedagogy Committee, will carry out a review and write a report based on specific criteria.
  2. The student, after matriculating, requests validation.
  3. The School Board submits the report written by the Masters’ Coordinator and the Pedagogy Committee to the Directorate General for Initial Professional Training and Special Status, for a decision.

Transfer of credits:

According to the regulation mentioned at the start of this section, the transfer of credits implies that, in the official academic documents which accredit the courses studied by each student, the total of the credits obtained in accredited courses studied previously, both at artistic higher education centres and at other centres in the European Higher Education Area which have not led to the obtaining of an official qualification are included.

All credits obtained by the student in official courses studied at any university and/or higher education centre, both those transferred and those recognised and those passed in order to obtain the corresponding qualification, will be included in their academic record and reflected in the European Qualification Supplement.

Studies carried out abroad:

In the case of studies carried out abroad, the documents have to be legalised and translated into either Catalan or Spanish by a sworn translator.

In the event that the qualification is not scored on a scale from 0-10, the corresponding numerical scale used by the school or university in question must be stated.

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