Those students who pass this course will obtain the Master’s Degree in Artistic Education in the Preventive Conservation of Movable and Immovable Property, which is included in Level 3 of the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education, and which is equivalent to Level 7 of the European Qualifications Framework.
Royal Decree 1614/2009, of 26 October, which establishes the organisation of higher artistic education, as regulated by Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, on education, (and its modification in Organic Law 8/2013, of 9 December 2014 for the improvement of educational quality), and which establishes (in Article 13) the procedure for the validation of the study plans of the Master’s degree in higher artistic education, and which was modified in sections 3, 5, 7 and 8 in accordance with Royal Decree 21/2015, of 23 January, which establishes the organization of higher artistic education (RD2009.pdf) (RD2015.pdf).
Organic Law 3/2020. of 29 December, which modifies Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May on Education, and Royal Decree 303/2010. of 15 March, which establishes the minimum requirements of those centres that provide artistic education (LO2020.pdf)
Royal Decree 96/2014, of 14 February, which modifies Royal Decree 1027/2011, of 15 July, which establishes the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education (MECES), and Royal Decree 1393/2007, of 29 October, which establishes the organization of official university education (RD2014.pdf).
RESOLUTION EDU/3726/2021, of 15 December on the criteria for permanence in higher artistic education that lead to the master’s degree in artistic education and the higher master’s degrees in those centres that operate under the Catalan Government and the public sector of the Catalan Government (R2021.pdf).
Order EFP/633/2023, of 8 June, which approves the study plan for the Master’s Degree in Artistic Education in the Preventative Conservation of Movable and Immovable Heritage of the Higher School of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Assets of Catalonia (Orden2023.pdf).
Law 1/2024, of June 7, regulating higher artistic education and establishing the organization and equivalences of professional artistic education (BOE 2024.pdf).
The Agency for the Quality of the University System (AQU Catalunya) has verified the Master’s Degree in Artistic Education in the Preventative Conservation of Movable and Immovable Property that is taught at the ESCRBCC. In order to perform this evaluation, AQU Catalunya applies the Framework for the Verification, Monitoring, Modification and Accreditation of Degrees.
– The Final AQU Evaluation Report of the Official Qualification Verification request (see pdf).
– The favourable report from the Higher Council of Artistic Education (11-04-2023) (see pdf).
– The report for the Verification of the Master’s Degree (see pdf)