The Escola Superior de Conservació i Restauració de Béns Culturals de Catalunya (ESCRBCC) was established by the Generalitat de Catalunya as a direct response to progress made in the conservation and restoration sector which, due to scientific advances and new technologies, created the need for highly qualified professionals.
The ESCRBCC was constituted in Decree 252/1991, 25th of November (DOGC num. 1529 – 13/12/1991), with the commencement of activities being established in the resolution dated 13th of January 1992 (DOGC, num. 1.548 – 29/01/1992).
Over the years, the success of a method of teaching which combines praxis and theory, allowing students to expand their knowledge by means of a training programme which is active, specialised and multidisciplinary has been proven.
The training is tailored to cater for needs-specific demands, an advanced infrastructure, students taught in small groups and individual tuition, in accordance with the requirements of the profession.