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The BA course in Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage, which is supervised by the Department for Education, has been part of the European Higher Education Area since the 2010-2011 academic year.

Since 2012, and commissioned by the Department for Education, the University-System Quality Agency (AQU Catalunya), via the Commission for Arts and Humanities of the Quality Assessment Commission, is the body responsible for the verification, monitoring, modification and accreditation of the subjects taught in BA degree courses. The Commission is made up of the director (Dr. Miquel Mirambell Abancó), the pedagogical coordinator (Dr. Àlex Prunés Bosch), a lecturer as head of the Quality area (Sílvia Marín Ortega), a student (Arnau Pallejà Pellicer) and a member of the administration and services staff (Jordi Serentill Ventura).

All the necessary information on quality advanced teaching conservation and restoration courses is available at the AQU Catalunya EUC results portal .

The University System Quality Agency (AQU Catalunya) has verified the Degree in Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage which is awarded by the ESCRBCC. To carry out this evaluation, AQU Catalunya applies the Standard for the verification, monitoring, modification and accreditation of degrees.

At a ceremony held in the Department for Education on the 3rd of July 2013, AQU Catalunya delivered the final positive evaluation report to the ESCRBCC (see:

AQU Catalunya has positively evaluated the request for the verification of the official Master’s degrees on 5 June 2017 (Photography) and 8 June 2022 (Preventive Conservation).

In accordance with the transparency demanded of Higher Education Centres in the standard set by the European Higher Education Area, all institutions must have Policies and Internal Quality Assurance Systems (SGIC) in place for educational programmes offered; said systems having been formally established and made publicly available. To this end, the Department for Education and AQU Catalunya have laid the foundations for the AUDIT-EAS programme for the supervision and evaluation of the Quality Assurance Systems in place at the centres offering BA degree courses.

The ESCRBCC believes it is necessary to establish an Internal Quality Assurance System (SGIC-ESCRBCC) to facilitate accreditation of the courses taught and to guarantee the quality of their training programmes.

This quality management system follows the directives established by the agency for quality assurance AQU-Catalunya in its AUDIT programme and respects the principles of legality, publication, transparency and participation.

The design of the SGIC-ESCRBCC reflects the involvement and the degree of commitment of the management team and of the entire staff of the school in relation to the quality of the training programmes offered.

The ESCRBCC, in accordance with the transparency demanded from higher education centres and contained in the Standard set by the European Higher Education Area, annually publishes the indicators relating to intake and matriculation of new students, the attributes of the students and teaching staff, external practical training and mobility, the level of satisfaction of all interested parties and academic results obtained in Degree courses.

These indicators must serve to evaluate all of the above and, depending on the results expected, allow for the implementation of any improvements necessary.

The current legal standard states that quality control agencies must monitor registered degree courses, based on publicly available information, up to and until such time as they have to be evaluated for the purposes of renewing their accreditation.

The ESCRBCC produces an annual report on the Monitoring of Degree Courses (IST-ESCRBCC).This monitoring process has two fundamental objectives: to be a useful tool to monitor the school and which permits evaluation of subjects taught by analysing data and indicators, and the formulation, where appropriate, of measures of improvement which serve to correct any variations observed between the design of the degree course and how it is developed, and to be, in conjunction with an external visit to the centre, a source of information relating to the degree accreditation process.

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